Monday, January 31, 2005

I'm tired of everyone living for love

Sometimes I wonder why the world is so romance obsessed. I've spent the last 4 days stuck in bed with some ridiculous bug that gave me a fever, a cough, stuffed sinuses and the sensation of being hit by a truck. And while I've been out of commission I've watched more than my fair share of movies and TV. Now, I'll be the first to admit that I like a little bit of romance and that the A&E Pride and Prejudice mini series (of which I watched the full 6 hours yesterday) is outstanding but I think a steady diet of this stuff is really unhealthy. Romance fills our music, our televisions and far too often our conversations. I guess to me it seems like part of the mass media distraction machine that attempts to remove our interests from the real issues, the things that really matter. And I know I'm a freak for caring passionately about politics but I really think that more people would care about politics if they weren't so concerned with romance. But who am I kidding, very few people [or maybe more specifically girls?]would choose the news over a movie with a romantic plot or sub plot. I guess this genre is so successful because if feeds into our very base emotions. We live vicariously through the characters on the screen and hope that tomorrow maybe we'll be hit by the car driven by the man of our dreams. Its this 'living through other people' thing that allows the world to be run the way its being run without much protest. As long as people are more concerned about what's happening in next week's episode than they are about the millions of aids orphan the less likely anyone is going to do anything about it.
If we continue to live our lives through characters or people we'll never meet [ie. Brad Pitt] we'll never be in touch with reality. I'm tired of watching people I don't know fall in love and live happily ever after in the span of two hours with perhaps one large obstacle to overcome. Real relationships, believe it or not, are not based on lust, are not easy and require some serious discussions along with all the eyelash batting, giggling, silliness.
Don't get me wrong. I think a girl needs to be brought flowers once in a while but I'm just sick and tired of people thinking that earthly love is the entire point of their existence. My story does not end when I meet my husband, that's just chapter two. I think romance is nice and has its time and place and I love the feeling that you get in your stomach when you really like someone. BUT, I will not center my life around waiting for my future husband. I will not pretend that the only thing I live for is that sort of love. The media practically shoves it down our throats and I'm tired of it.
So I suppose the point of tonight's semi coherent rant is two fold. 1. The media is insistent that Romance is the one great adventure in life. And 2. I don't buy it.

or maybe i'm just bitter?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Robyn. I agree, but I still am such a sucker for romance... I hate how distracting it can be, but I still let it be... and I don't watch a lot of TV, so I don't know much about that, buuut my imagination is great! lol. anyways. I agree lets move to Africa or China and not think about boys. jks. ;)

12:54 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooohhh are so right! Love or the idea of "love" is one of those things that is so easy to get caught up in - even if it isnt happening to you personally! Since i've been single and without "true love" for 20 years of my life, I consider myself an expert in the spinster field and I can honestly say that it has been a blessing. While many of my friends were busy being "in love" with their boyfriends, I was learning to love myself. Without the security blanket that the "love" of a boyfriend often provides, I was forced to discover what really makes me ME and what the important things are. Aaaaaaannnd...I had so much time and opportuinity to discover all of the fun, exciting, and intriging things in life that have nothing to do with a 'getting hit by a car driven by the man of my dreams'!
So I guess what I'm saying is that I think falling in love isnt something that we should wait for to come along and change our lives forever. It's kind of like the cherry on a sundae. With or without the cherry...the sundae is really yummy, the cherry just makes it that much better!
I look forward to hearing some of your insight about racoons and love! hahahaha

12:35 a.m.  

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