Tuesday, April 19, 2005

A quick question

So my friend Hilary and i were talking over coffee tonight (actually she had a cookie and i had a steamer) and we were discussing how you see your self and how others see you. And it often puzzles me how/why people see me as they do. So, just for the sake of my own curiosity please take the time to comment and describe me in a few words or sentences. i'm not asking for complements and feel free to not leave your name, i'm just curious.
thanks so much


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robyn, I'm going to admit that when I first met you I was incredibly intimidated by you. You seemed like one of those girls with crazy amounts of energy who always like to be the center of attention. (The intimidation just reflects on me.)

But, as I got to know you better, I realized that you are a woman who is deeper than what she shows up at the front, cheering people on and doing crazy things. You are a woman who has an amazing ability to think critically about things like politics and the Bible and both of these things are so valuable. I have come to see that you are a woman of integrity who is fun and crazy, but also passionate about truth and seeing truth prevail. These are all great qualities!

10:51 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I met you, the first thing that I noticed was your honesty and strong sense of who you are. You're a wonderful person, and a lot of fun, and that shines through in everything you do. I can always count on you for an honest opinion, and you never seem timid about sharing your opinion...which I think is a great quality. The world could use more people like you!

12:46 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everybody else is being so articulate. I'm going to make a point form list.

- nice
- funny
- Godly
- patient with me. lol.
- smart

that is it. nothing else is good about you. lol. no really i could go on and on etc. but i have an exam to write in an hour. wee (and someone explain why im answering this questions right before an exam?! lol)


10:11 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, my dear, I see you as my Mom of 356 Frontenac St. Now you may just take that as a joke role that we (the house) assigned to you, but I seriously think of you as a bit of a mom - in other words, someone that I look up too and someone whom gives me great advice when I need and ask for it. You take care of me when I am sick (hello bronchitus!), give me boy advice, are totally open to debate and are able to listen to my perspective (which is usually very different from your own) without getting defensive AND you feed me too :P. In short you are a strong, kind, caring individual who is incredibly patient with my many quirks and I am very lucky to have you as a housemate and a friend! Plus, you are the only one that will have dance parties with me to 90s dance music....a girl like that is one in a million!

11:46 p.m.  

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