Thursday, September 29, 2005


Feminism is full of trash.
Don’t get me wrong, I like my rights- voting, speech, mobility etc. – but I really think that things are getting taken a little too far. Folks, I hate to break it to ya, but I’m 100% sure that women have a maternity instinct. I’m certain that men and women are different in more ways than just biology and I’m certain that this has led to us having different roles in the family and in society. I’m not saying that women shouldn’t do the taxes, make more money or even carry heavy things and open tough jars…I just think that people think that women’s reproduction abilities have left them at a natural disadvantage as men have dominated them. Yah, its not good that women have been doormats for centuries, I’m not a fan of that, but, I’m not a fan of removing the feminine from the woman. I’m not a man with breasts. I’m a woman. I have different instincts, different ways of thinking and yes, I can have babies…I was made that way. Not just in biology but also in my nature. I don’t want to be oppressed, but I sure as hell don’t want to be ‘liberated’ if it means that I can’t be feminine and that all my instincts are socially constructed. That’s just a load of garbage.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh...i see you've reached your post adolescent pinnacle in which your views on feminism are narrow indeed...i apologize if that is harsh, but you cannot perceive the notion of feminism in its entirety without realizing how incredibly broad that term is...instinct, biology, social constructs, women are indeed different than men, BUT one can truly be feminine and a feminist, i believe it's just a matter of wanting equality and not superiority, because that would make the original notion of it defunct.

No one wants to be a man with breasts, but i'd like for men to stop staring directly at them when i'm talking to them.

I enjoyed your viewpoint, i suggest you broaden your horizons when it comes to researching it just a bit...and all the rights like voting and such, someone worked damn hard for that, i would suggest you also note your appreciation for it.

2:46 p.m.  

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