Sunday, December 18, 2005

A Day of Refreshing

I woke up this morning feeling like something was off. I felt as if I’d woken in a place that felt different. I don’t know why but I sort of had the feeling that something was going to be different about today. Today was a great day. I got up, got ready for church, and said good morning to my housemates. I checked my e-mail and had just received an e-mail from a prof friend of mine from church inviting me to dinner. I replied saying yes and headed out to church. In church I was feeling drained emotionally and spiritually. Exams tend to wear on me. even though I don’t have a lot this term the whole atmosphere of being in an academically intense environment with no way out makes my head spin after a while. So God had a plan. Today was to be my day of refreshing and of being filled. After church Val (my minster/priest) invited me over for lunch and playing in the snow with herself and her lovely five year old triplets. I accepted after momentarily hesitating to think of my studying. I’m so glad I went. I enjoyed a lovely lunch of soup and then out into a beautiful crisp day to build snow forts and slide down hills. I had so much fun. I love romping around in the snow but on my own it feels so silly but with a five year old with you… its just so much better….so three…well…that’s just even more fun. So I got home around 5 and then at 6:30 I headed over to they Lyon’s for dinner. I really love the Lyons. They are highly intelligent, generous, warm and caring. After a great dinner we sat in front of the fire and drank tea. It was a fantastic way to spend a day. I think that connecting to families is probably one of the most beneficial things I’ve done while at school this year. I love talking to adults, I love being in real homes, I love playing with kids. Its so refreshing to lie in the snow or sip tea by a fire. Today I planned on studying…I got none done. I’m okay with that though, I still have 2 and a half more days until my next exam and now that I’m feeling refreshed I know that I can study more vigorously feeling more alive in my work. Today when I woke up things felt different, I knew something was up…it was like God was saying, “today will be an adventure” it was, and for that I am thankful. I am refreshed and full of joy. And in the middle of exams, that’s a pretty rare thing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This sounds like a marvellous day with many of my favourite ingredients --children, snow, tea, family meals, Val, etc. I'm a little bit jealous, but things are also going well here in Eastern Europe, more specifically Jared's office in Klaipeda, Lithuania, where I'm eating British gluten-free bread and marvelling at the early sunset. I wish you well on your exams, and I promise to post something on my own blog too!

10:38 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ashley says:
ROBYN! I NEED MORE BLOGGAGE! Post something agian soon pleeeeeeeease!
Oh - and have a very very merry CHRISTmas! xoxox

9:16 p.m.  

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