Thursday, December 15, 2005


The nice thing about snow storms is that when you live in the city, close to your school, they’re nothing but pretty. Sure, they’re cold and you have to shovel the walk, but generally speaking, there is no better time to appreciate it than here and now. When I’m at my parent’s place, we live on a somewhat poorly maintained dirt road in a valley. Needless to say, when there is a snow storm, we often get snowed in. My parents tend to plan their lives around the weather and often as a teenager I was forced to cancel my plans because of road conditions. Here, at school, since I walk everywhere, it really doesn’t make a difference. I just stick on my boots, wrap my scarf around my head a few times and trudge out into the blustery barrage of swirling snowflakes. I mean, sure you need to watch out for the cars as they slide up to the stop signs but there really isn’t a down side for me with snow storms these days. If they take out the power that would be bad but I think that in general, I really like a good snow storm. At home I used to feel really trapped when we got snowed in. I liked snow days but when I was a teenager being trapped in my house with my parents and no way out was a little too much. But these days I’m not going anywhere. If anything it makes studying more pleasant. I can hunker down in the library watching the snowflakes kiss the window pains and fly memorizingly by the street lights. So hurray for the snow storm and hurray for the 30 cm we’re expecting tonight. I can’t wait.


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