Tuesday, March 01, 2005

A New Analogy

So here is my new theory on relationships…or, I suppose, my new analogy.
Looking for someone to spend the rest of your life with is like shopping for books. You come into the store and browse. Occasionally a book might catch your eye and you might pick it up and glance at the cover. If that interests you, you might flip it over and read the back. [It’s like finding someone you’re interested in and then, getting to know them.] If you like the book you ‘pick it up’ and go around with it for a bit. You can’t read it yet but you can maybe read the first few pages or read the author’s bio. The thing is though, that since you’re only in there to buy one book, you might decide not to get that book, or you may see another that makes you think that perhaps the book you have in your hand isn’t the one for you. And so, you continue to shop. Some people like flashy picture books that are all glamour and no substance. Others prefer hard covered books of poetry from the dark rarely explored shelves at the back of the store. There are niche books, ones for people into street luge or botany. There are books that appeal to the general population that have a interesting stories but like harlequins or maxim magazines, not much depth. The thing about books is that once you read something, you can’t unread it. You can forget bits but you can’t undo what you’ve done. You have to be careful what you let yourself read b/c reading the wrong books can be bad for you [just like dating the wrong people]. Eventually you reach the point where you’re ready to buy the book. Sometimes you have to buy the book b/c you spill coffee on it or something but usually its b/c you want to keep the book and the book wants to keep you. In the book store of life, returns have become increasingly common. But when I buy a book, I’m gonna keep it. There is a book for pretty near everyone in the bookstore of life, it’s just a matter of finding it. Sometimes, (like in beautiful used bookstores that smell old and musty) the best books are the ones you have to dig around for back behind the stairs in a box. So my friends don’t give up and please, move on from the magazine rack.

A problem with my theory- one big one is that it appears to be very one sided and the book doesn’t have to choose you too….suck it up. It’s a good theory.


Blogger Joybeth said...

Hey, I think your analogy is great, even if the book no choosing you thing doesn't work. Also, I find it amusing that I found your blog, because I know Keith, he was at Tyndale when I was there, and we share the same last name...kinda funny eh? Anyway you're writing good stuff, keep it up.

10:52 a.m.  

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