Monday, May 16, 2005

A little love on Parliament hill

Well, I was in Ottawa for work last week and as I was chilling outside the center block waiting for my group I got to see some MPs coming in. My favourite moment was when Peter Mckay came in via car and stepped out. Shortly after one of the green buses that drive the mps around showed up and Belinda Stronach stepped out. McKay was waiting at the door and he saw her and said “why didn’t you stick with me baby?” in a funny little tone. She said something back but was so in awe of having seen them flirt that I almost lost it. Anyway, that was the highlight of my week! I’m off again Tuesday through Friday this week. Sorry my posts have been so sporadic.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Modern Families

Okay, mini rant time
So I’m seeing some commercials these days for the “modern family sedan”. The commercials show things like daughters asking their mothers about how their sex life is with her latest boyfriend etc. apparently these things are to be celebrated by our culture. Hurray! Dysfunction! my mother is fornicating and i want to hear about it! That makes us normal! That is such a sad statement on society it isn’t even funny. When did we get to the point where we were all so messed up that we had to be messed up to be normal. Function in families is an oddity, an embarrassment, a sign of being in the past. Its ridiculous. I’m actually shy of my parents being in love after 25 years, of our quiet country existence, the morality deeply entrenched in me and the peaceful family environment in which I was raised (not to say that my parents or my home life are perfect…they’re both far from it). Why am I shy of these things? b/c its just not normal anymore. When my friends talk about their parents fighting or their parent’s splitting up with each other, I can’t empathize. Maybe I don’t want to say anything b/c I don’t want them to feel bad about being ‘dysfunctional’… or maybe dysfunction is to the point that I am ashamed of functionality b/c it is such an oddity. So what’s a girl to do? I shouldn’t strive for dysfunction simply to fit in or hide how stable my home life is just to avoid embarrassment ….i like functional families, I always want one. I don’t want any of this modern family nonsense. And I don’t want any of this modern family sedan nonsense. Its like you’re trying to sell a product b/c it doesn't work. That’s just stupid.